Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Running The Race

So i'm in training right now for a half marathon coming up in 31 days and 23 hours. Sometimes I think what am I doing, but then mornings like today remind me of God's awesome creation. In this hot summer we have had, this morning was one of those cool mornings that you just felt peace. Nature out and about and the busyness of life just at a standstill. Only a few cars out so it was a peaceful morning. I think back that I started this running journey over a year and a half ago and I'm still going. Thanks to the p90x program and friends checking up on me, I can finally say I'm in the best shape I have ever been in. I still have a long way to go but I'm getting there. I like the line.. Slow and Steady wins the race. I hope to be able to ad video blogs soon so keep a watch for those. I am truly enjoying getting into this fitness business. I have talked with many friends already about how I can help them. As well as having many conversations with people in the public when I wear my p90x shirt. It's amazing how many people have tried the program but did not stay with it. If you are interested in starting the program, or want to purchase it let me know. I am going to start a second round of p90x on August 19th. If you would like to join me let me know. I will be starting a challenge August 1. Also if anyone would be interested in a business opportunity feel free to message me and I can let you know what that is all about. Have a great day and remember to keep on pushing on. Don't let anyone keep you from your dream..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

38 days and counting

Well this morning I look at my phone and my countdown says 38 days and 22 hours till the Half Marathon in Chicago. I am training to run this event and my long run so far is 8 miles. Still a long way away from 13.2. I have a pretty good schedule going for the last 4 weeks so hope that I'll be able to accomplish my goal. I also only have 17 more days of round one for p90x. So far have lost 21lbs while doing this program. My hope is to lose another 14lbs before the half marathon. I ask you to join me and offer any words of encouragement as you see me post. I have reached new heights in fitness this year and hope that I have encouraged at least one person out their in my journey. This program works and if you would like to hear more about it, keep July 16th open from 9am - 12pm. More details to come. If you are interested in hearing more and would like me to come visit send me an e-mail to

Prayer this week for Clarity in God's direction for Amy and I. That we be open to his direction and not let self get in the way...

Michael Davis

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mind over Fear

Well this morning was a huge accomplishment in my running life. I realized how the mind can keep us from completing accomplishments. We allow fear that we just can't accomplish something. When we allow our mind to say, YES I CAN, anything is possible. This morning I started my day with some Great Prayer Time. I need to start my days like this more. My running and health are all due to God giving me another day on this earth. I need to thank him more for this and dedicate this journey and possible career totally to Him.
In my run today I was reminded how amazing God's creation is. One of the streets I ran was Wabash in Mattoon IL. Beautiful older homes with huge trees on both sides. The trees completely cover the road. It was very peaceful and no sound of traffic. Sometimes we allow the rat race of life to just busy us. And then at the end of a day what do we have to show for it. Just an exhausted spirit ready for bed to get up the next day and face it all again. Why do we do this? My challenge today and this holiday weekend is to get some place where its quiet. Relax your spirit and just take it in. Calm the mind and see what you can do to improve your life. What Can you do that you say you cannot do. Just taking the first step is all you got to do. Find a partner to help you. Let me coach you..

Don't let fear control you... Clear your Mind

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Reaching New Heights

Well today is the end of June and half of 2011 is over. What can you say you have accomplished this year? If nothing, then look tomorrow as a new start to the year. A year ago I was running 5k's with no problem. This year has been a little frustrating trying to get back to running form and training for the half marathon. Which at this moment is only 44days and 23 hours away. But this morning I went out and ran a 5k like it was nothing. A great sense of accomplishment. P90x has been a wonderful program for building strength and I am hoping it is now transferring over to strength in my running. I will find out on Saturday as I plan to do one of my longest runs of 8 miles. Today challenge yourself to do something this weekend that is out of your normal towards health and fitness. Be conscious about what you eat this weekend. Finish the 2nd half of 2011 strong. From a webinar I heard last night I liked this line. Don't be afraid of your weaknesses, work on them.. No More Excuses..

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just Getting Started

Many of you have sent me comments and encouragement letters over the past year and boy have those been helpful. Its funny now to look back over the past year at how all this got started. Who would of thought a little over a year ago I would have began running as a sport or hobby. Many of you who know me know I've been heavy my entire life. Knee surgeries in high school from playing football, yeah not the best combination for running. You may ask why running. Well a friend of mine started posting on facebook about this couch to 5k program. I read up on it and thought hey I can do this. I definitely have the couch mastered. So I began my journey in Dec of 2009. So far i have ran a bunch of 5k races with my best time being 29.46 completed just two weeks ago. I ran one 10k and currently am training for the rock and roll half marathon in Chicago August 14th. I started all this with the hopes that dropping the weight will help with the serious migraines I suffer from. In 2010 I was able to drop 30lbs all from running and watching what i ate. The down side was before Mark was born, I put 20 back on. The lesson I learned was I needed to add resistance training to that plan. Which is why this year in 2011 I have added p90x. I am currently in week 10 of my program with only 3 more to go. I feel in the best shape I have been in since High School. I've realized that when you think you Can't do something your accepting defeat before you even try.
Today I challenge you to find that one thing for fitness that you can try. Tell yourself you can do this and get going. Make sure though that you plan our your day and fit it in other wise time will get away from you and it will be easy to say I'll do it tomorrow. Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. In most cases tomorrow won't happen either. No More Excuses as Mr Tony Horton states..

Battling an Inner Ear Issue today, lots of pressure and finally going to get it checked out.

That's all for today..

Monday, June 27, 2011

New Adventures

Hi Friends and Family,

I just have to say I truly enjoy Monday's with Summer hours from Kish. I get to spend time with little Mark and I truly do cherish this time together. Each Monday I learn more and more about how special a privilege it is to be a parent. Some events in my life over the past 10 days have caused me to stop and reflect on life's ups and down and what it all means. Yesterday I heard a message asking us to Remember who we are. Growing up I spent a lot of time with my Grandparents. My Grandpa Davis invested a lot of time in me and always had good one liners when it came to life. He also said work hard and work honest. You see he did not believe in the thing we call plastic money or taking out loans. He would always wait till he had to cash to buy a car. I remember this like he was just telling me this yesterday. I wish I would have followed the no plastic advice, but now I work hard to get away from the life of plastic. When we face trials in life its how we work through those trials that shapes us. Last Fall I went through the book of James and Trials was a big section we covered so its ironic now I'm living what I was preaching.
You see believer or non believer we all face trials in life. How do we react to trials? When someone tells you can't do something what do you do, or when friends seem to disappear. We all face different trials. I just pray that we come out stronger and more focus on God than ever during this trial.
Over the past few months I have felt like God has been directing me down this health and fitness path. I like to help people and if I am not helping people I feel I'm not doing what I'm called to do. So with that I have embarked in the journey with Team Beachbody. Sharing workouts, supplements, and many more products to help people beat obesity. As I finish up this first round of p90x I can't wait to share my success story with others. I pray its an encouragement to others to take the challenge and get healthy.
Friends here is what I share with you as you read this. I won't hound you, I won't pressure you, and I won't bug you to buy anything. What I do ask is to remember that you now have a friend or family member who is a beachbody coach who works with p90x and many other programs. If you know of someone who needs that extra help, or has asked you about the program, please refer them to me. Of if you know someone now, contact me and I'll be more than happy to reach out to them. That is all I am asking from you. I had seen the info commercials on line and yeah I doubted. Well maybe not doubted the program, but more was saying to myself I can't do that. You will be amazed what you can do when you put your mind to something.
There is a rule of thumb that 70% of the people I talk with won't be interested and 30% will. I have over 500 people on my friends list in FB so that leaves me with 150 potentials. Feel free to contact me and give me the opportunity to be your coach.

I do apologize ahead of time to those who are experts in grammar. I never claimed to be strong in writing

Prayer Concern: I'll try and post requests at the end of each blog. Our prayer would be for Amy to be part time by the end of this year. We are also praying for this current season to level off and that we would both grow through this trial.

"Work Hard and Work Honest"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fit Club

Hi Gang, This Thursday Night 6/23 is our Fit Club Night at the Sycamore Community Center 138 Fair St. Sycamore IL. 7:30 - 9pm . Come out for a Free night of fitness and try new products. Bring a friend as its always more fun to workout with a buddy. Hope to see you Thursday.